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Show HN: Path 2.0, a Skilltree for Structured Self-Improvement

Show HN: Path 2.0, a Skilltree for Structured Self-Improvement (You will need to make a (free) account on the website to try out the skilltree.) The Guild of the ROSE is excited to announce the full launch of the Practitioner's Path 2.0, a new framework for structured self-improvement via a carefully-designed skilltree. Founded two years ago, the Guild's mission is to provide structure and community for people interested in self-improvement. The Path skilltree is organized into three branches: - Pragmatist (red): Take direct action, make money, and expand your social network. - Meditative (green): Make art, improve your mental and physical health, and live a good life. - Empiricist (blue): Learn new skills, teach others, run experiments, and think clearly. The user is free to pursue a specific specialization, or to spread their efforts over the three trees. March 5, 2023 at 11:42PM

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